But if I had a daughter, a young woman I saw drowning in needless pain,
I would say to her:
Are you certain you would be happy,
if only:
you got him back, or he wanted you back, or you lived somewhere else or you were someone else or were taller, shorter, thinner, stronger, weaker just different, anyone, anywhere, anytime but yourself?
Sorry, but you are you. Be you. Insist upon yourself. Be fierce in your resolve. Men are in awe of fierce women, really. Take back your heart. It belongs to you alone.
You do not need to be fixed, so don't look for someone else to do the job.
Remember: "You're only pretty as you feel, only pretty as you feel inside."
And on that there are no limits except the ones you create.
But then, I never had a daughter, so what do I know?