It was merchandise that came alive Buy me and try me being the stride Dancing among clothes trying to persuade any shopper The prices and sales were there own show stopper But toys also got involved They also danced among the kids But some kids were scare and hid Various toys did catch many kid’s eyes Through the eyes of a child and the many assortments being a surprise A jet toy airliner plane with no mention of any name, which will remain It flew throughout the store overlooking the kids The plane said, “Look up here and I am flying to all you buy me in preserver” Come kid persuade Mom to buy as my batteries are already in If you take me home, you can open the box, and your playing will begin A Jack in the Box sprang into action Smiles and laughter on its face being the activation Suddenly a bubble machine advertised its slogan within the bubbles of “Buy me and become absorbed in fun” Animation became a shoppers and kids appreciation However this was definitely the indication “Animate in coming alive, with the sell and adding a touch of assured in tell”.