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Jul 2011
We are granted little glimpses of heaven,
All throughout our life.
Noticed less in joyful times,
But more so during strife.

The outstretched hands of the sun,
Reaching through the trees,
Enduring the heat, insufferable,
But then - a transient breeze.

An infant staring across a room,
Who seems to seek your heart.
A friends who helps glue the pieces back,
When everything falls apart.

A hug from an unexpected source,
That diffuses all your pain,
The twinkling of the wild grass,
After a summer's rain.

A smile from an uncertain stranger,
That identifies your need,
Knowing your prayer is answered,
The very instant that you plead.

A lazy day without any rush,
When all the chores are done,
Laughter born of your very soul,
Just when life has lost all fun.

The privilege to hold a dying hand,
The relief of a second chance,
Are just a few little glimpses of heaven,
All that we must glance.
deanena tierney
Written by
deanena tierney  47/F
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