In fair Stratford-on-Avon Is where we set our stage, This town where Our Bard was born, The man for all ages.
In The White Swan John's son, Will, Was rightly being toasted. Young Will had a way with words, And used his quill To turn girls' heads Toward his finest, His best bed.
Halfway down Market Street, Just before the Barber's, Lived the Hathaway girl, Ann. Some locals called her Cougar.
Will didn't know how old she was For she didn't look her age.
A few months on, Her belly grown They held a cross-bow wedding. Ensuing vows The reception crowd Filed into The White Swan, Raised their tankards To toast the couple With this Avon song:
*Shakespeare hath His will with her, But Ann hath-a-way.
Shakespeare, in his Will, left "his best bed" and only his best bed to his wife, Anne Hathaway. Oh, and it was a cross-bow wedding.