My questions go unanswered. My words ignored. My presence overlooked. Myself invisible to the eyes of others.
In a sty of stench. In her own ***** she is drenched. The reason I crossed two states borders. Pack rat hoarder. Without organization of order.
Out lived my heart hesitated. My life dictated. By a **** "mom" who dominates. Controlling with my child as leverage. She holds us hostage. In her cobwebbed hellhole of dust. Mold, ***** stench, mildew, & rust. She is no one to ever trust. I have alot to complain about & fuss.
Neglected, unprotected,& disrespected. Taken for granted & unappreciated. Unknown but senselessly hated.
For love or friendship I waited. No one ever asked me to be dated. My life I lived & created.