Exemplifies everything we try. Purgatory trapped in dejavu tells a story. A time warp to another place. Different years past, present, & future erase. To cease to exist from this time & space. No recogination in my face. Paroled to abuse victims to use. For themselves solely to amuse. Insanity has blown a fuse. Innocence & development is confused. Never an essential priority. A false undeserving authority. It shouldn't of happened to us. A stranger "mom" mistakenly trust. Corruption & sin confines. A hellish nightmare of mine. Could not foresee to prevent this crime. Unspeakable at the time. Disbelief of this unstoppable grief. I can feel what is real. Unbelivable & inconceivable the past can't heal. Of what is real & what is fabricated. Blurry, foggy, memories that's debated No perception of time that is waited. Delirious, confused, & dehydrated. My agenda & purpose is contemplated