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Apr 2015
Celebrity status.....
A talent & image so ecstatic.
Not all their faces are made out of plastic.
Scripts memorized & talent mastered.
On movie screens their story is plastered.
They reach the top faster.
Everyone's a star.
To the red carpet out of a rolls Royce car.
There are some vegan celebrities from P.E.T.A.
A campaign to lead us.
A sad story to convince us.
Animals are our friends who trust.
They're lives valuable & deaths unjust.
Celebit celebrities celebrate.
Cast in Co starring roles to mate.
To expensive resturants taking dates.
Paparazzi can't wait they are early & never late.
Their income is at stake.
Without their permission their photos they take.
Their fashion & makeup how would you rate?
To appearances they're not usually late.
To trespass on their property is a law to break.
Envy might show itself of their image to hate.
It is sure to be grand or great.
Fame & fortune is a life they make.
© Harmony Sapphire . All rights reserved
Harmony Sapphire
Written by
Harmony Sapphire  42/F/San Diego, California
(42/F/San Diego, California)   
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