the other day you asked me what I thought about you and I did not really answer your question
we all have our idiosyncracies they make us unique and sometimes a pain in the neck
being overpunctual or always late staging an appearance or fading into the background griping gruffily or glossing things over with sweet talk verbalizing everything or very little sticking to long-made plans or making your mind up again in the last minute swingin wildly or staying calm pontificating on what is right or listening quietly to what others have to say indicating your respect for what they want to say being a control freak or leaving people enough leeway to find their own approach worrying permanently about friends, children, parents, family, the world or believing that they can occasionally do without us
there is a fine balance difficult to maintain and more often than not we fall off on one side
or the other from that narrow ridge of mutual acceptance grow irritated or disgusted in wild moments tell her or him that THIS IS IT and s/he can leave the earlier the better and NEVER come back
when such tempestuous events give way to calmer contemplation we remember that time is short life is precious and love is what makes it bearable