I walk in the cool of a fall day. I am filled with unnatural warmth as I watch children dance and play. As they dance to and froe through piles of colorful leaves. I have to keep looking over to make sure you didn't leave. Even though I feel the softness and warmth of your hand. It seems so faint to me, missing you would be more than I could stand. Since the first time I saw your angelic smile, I have lost my heart. You took it from me from the very start. Now with each moment I come to realize, just how empty my life was before you were by my side. I am lost in the felling of your love that I now hold deep inside. I can see our future every time I gaze into your eyes. I see years passing with a family and you and I turning old and grey. I know that I am not imaging it, it is as real as a sunny day. So I will hold on tightly to you and thank the stars above, that the fates decreed that I should be given an angle to love.