There were numbers in our equation and The numbers were always slightly off but Surely I had been right, And put the 1 after the = And then put 1 + 1 before it, right? It was 1 + 1 = 1 But you changed it. Your body changed, You mind changed, Your heart changed And put a 2 behind the = Which made us into 1 + 1 = 2. We were one, rhymic, pulchritudinous, Believed to be the one who lasted forever Even despite our inability to always add up. But at the end of everyday, My equations stayed the same 1 + 1 = 1. But to you, mine was never right.
Yes my equation isn't right obviously, but when talking about people I believe two souls become one, so 1 + 1 does in fact equal 1 in this case. We became one... Doesn't that mean something?