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Mar 2015
a waiting room
the rain outside the single small window
gives aspects to the room of comfort
a woman sits next to me
her phone makes water droplet sounds
as she taps gently on its screen
office sounds and smells

the room has pieces of home to decorate
like the painting of country road
its summer feel meant to warm the room
makes me think of childhood
the vase with plastic flowers
and magazines scattered on the meek coffee table

the steady office noises are interrupted by a womans strident voice
her words obscured but her angry intent clear
the waiting rooms occupants all turn to look at
the closed door
then return to the task at hand
of trying to play a good waiting game
of glancing at each other

so polite and proper we wait
for this doctors quick words
soon enough to head home
with prescriptions in hand
with answers in heart
mark john junor
Written by
mark john junor  59/M
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