when angels get deadly bored in angelland they decide to matchmake yin and yang a breathtaking game of -love and hate- kicks off their watch broadcasts meditative brittle glitters as expected from the dutiful glitter brittles
finally they also have fun oh the glorious common hearted one
but for a while it remains and ubiquitousness escapes
within that while infinite loop while with condition always returns true
assured they are to have hoarded a concept of none because only none can break the program
it runs through curls and whirls attracts and repels hums and vector sums bubbly groans made of sour cherry wood drums asymptotic shapes of ascension moans 'Oh yes this surely is miraculous!'
one for fun one for ‘oh please be my hon’ Stay at the jolly night of proms with us we are so heartily amused!
They travel beyond ignorance to a pointless point of their own absence ‘for the land’ they repeatedly say from far far away
lost words as such slowly produces by-products made of tingly-wiggly bugs capable of delaying holiness of now capable of creating time for no one with a halt sign
until game of supremeness bears a ... break! made of HUM a Sound like none heard once along the aileron of a vitreous dome
while the unheard stays with the one and which is of one