Your manly pride Which please, have no fear It's electric Even when you won't even touch me What is that about?
I already told you it's Unforgettable
Like nothing I ever knew or will again But how would I know? I'm even less experienced than you could possibly imagine And yet you think with your warped thoughts That it is other It is not I'm more alone than ever And yet it's not the worst thing
You're the expert, remember? You think I had a boyfriend?
I didn't I don't I could I won't It won't do One got in and I kicked him Twice Others would love to Oh how nice. Thank you you but no thanks
So No one touches me. The baked goods locked away in a pretty cabinet since the leaves were still on the trees That is my truth Since for Fcking Ever For you
And that Is my Choice Because what I want and what I get are mutually exclusive I'm funny like that
And the world still turns
Whiny girl who discriminates for reasons of chemistry and admiration, didn't get her way? Boo fcking hoo. It's not Somalia. Or Sudan.
And so look where that gets me I'm Jane Austen in Becoming Jane I'm Laura Ingalls Wilder with no Almanzo I'm Greta Garbo Who actually didn't say "I want to be alone" She actually SAID "I want to be left alone" Quite a bit different really And I didn't ask for either intentionally but I'm here living proof it happens So I'm a spinster Because for that I don't bend Except for you