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Feb 2015
I say "I'm sorry" as if it's a bandage for all the damage I've caused.

Whether that damage be to myself or others.

So I just want to say this.

I'm sorry for the saddening texts at midnight when I'm sitting and reminiscing. I'm sorry for stumbling upon words or stuttering in my sentences when I talk. I'm sorry for speaking silently when I see you, because ****, I'm just so stubborn on the idea of sending messages through a screen. I'm sorry that it's going to be a sticky situation when we see each other for what might be the last time. I'm sorry for even saying all of this. And just remember, once you graduate and you're out of this ****** school in the heart of this ****** town, I'm going to miss you. And I'm sorry for that too.
Written by
Lex  Chicago
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