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Feb 2015
"When you stopped wishing things wouldn't fall apart, you'd stop suffering when they did"
John Green
when I have kids I won't want them to suffer
so I'll tell them, things fall apart
things crumble like cookies in milk
sand castles meeting salty feet
wooden swing sets worn thin and fragile
by kids who never thought a swing set could die
maybe if they'd have known that things fall apart
they wouldn't have swung so long, pumped their feet so hard
but that wouldn't have mattered after all
because everything falls apart
when I have kids they will know what it means to accept
acceptance isn't always agreeing, you can disagree with every fiber of your being
but you can still accept
acceptance is recognizing what being human looks like
what being human feels like
what being human means
when I have kids I'll tell them love isn't right or wrong
love isn't a puffs tissue "ultra soft and strong"
love is after all a battlefield
but you don't have to bring guns and knives
you can bring open arms and an open mind
your choice, but you have to chose
and I will do my best to prep you for battle
I will tell you I love you always
give you a million reasons to smile
remind you of worth, your worth
not a price tag
there is no discount on feelings and flesh
love isn't buy one get one free
it's the 99 cent box of assorted chocolates
some good, some bad
but you find yourself eating them all
yes, I just compared love to a box of chocolates
but I thought it was relatable and you would get it
so, when I have kids I will tell them to smile
because you can't fake a smile
it's the truest part of your face
and if all things good inside of you were truly lost
your mouth would forget how to smile altogether
so, smile
when I have kids they will know
no matter how hard life gets or how easy it seems
things fall apart, you can always accept
love is a chocolate filled battlefield
and smiling, smiling is always real
because it tells the world
"Hey, I'm right here!"
Carrina Hendricks
Written by
Carrina Hendricks
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