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Feb 2015
When you met me,
You made a wish,
Wished that your wife would be like me,
Dress like me, and understand you like I did.

I saw the pain in your eye,
The hard time she was making you go through,
I decided to grant you your wish,
I am a witch dressed in white.

I took it upon myself to torture her,
I threatened and manipulated her,
Until she left you,
I am a witch dressed in white.

You came to me again,
Told me you would wish to be with me,
But you can’t coz of your faith,
As long as she is alive she’s still yours.

I made a way for you,
I made her have an “accident”,
Little did I know you had not gotten over her,
You mourned her for years,
But I still waited.
You then started seeing this colleague of yours,
I could not turn a blind eye,
I don’t easily fall in love,
But I was completely into you.

How could she take your center stage?
You always talked about her,
I had done too much to let her have you,
I could not let get in my way.

Did they say she died of carbon monoxide?
I suffocated her in her sleep and left the burning' jiko' in her room,
I was afraid they would not buy the crap,
But am all so glad they did,
I really am a witch in white clothes.

You had no one else to turn to,
No one to share your grievances with except me,
I gladly took you in my arms,
I held you as you mourned your lost love.

I worked so hard to get you,
Don’t make me work harder to keep you,
I have done all this for love,
Love from the witch dressed in white.

©Anita W.
Gracieh Nimmoh
Written by
Gracieh Nimmoh  Kenya
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