Irresponsible can sometimes be just a label. The way you look at me cannot be fair in any way. Why can't we just let go of when we mess up, get ******* over, and fail? Learning so much from every mistake making new beginnings every new try. Not every present moment will grasp every vision. See everything in perfect form, make room for a couple mistakes. Time goes by, slowly but not so sure. Hard to see the clock tick and take away everything that is right, and the same reflection in the mirror. Be firm but nice to yourself. Look at you and if not happy, find a way to improve. Set goals and expectations at the right level. Forget wowing the crowd and popularity. The others you see who have more beauty and courage are not expecting the same from you. We only expect respect, honesty, to try, discipline, kindness, and considerate approches. The world takes its bad turns and we take time to be in a bad phase. Time will pass, you won't be as grown up. Stay strong. If anyone comments and reminds you of what they expect, forget perfection. Say, "half empty half full." And expect what is needed.