He could wake in the middle of the night To flow his trumpet of life He called it success He ate dirt He sang a dirge He had forgotten himself He wore rags and smeared **** on his face He was too emotional too He could cry a lot Painful! There were times, He sat down, sick and helpless He could open his mouth to speak but No word he could utter Bitter tears Rolled He felt pain He was a human being He had emotions to share to somebody People feared him so much They ran away from him He suffered Occasionally he recovered He could call me, to visit him I felt uneasy and pity could strike my heart I felt a lot of pain in myself Tears rolled down my cheeks I was young and helpless Hands very rough He used them to wipe my small cheeks I felt love then He was a caring father Who felt and worked for his greatness But one day on a fateful afternoon He was fencing his garden He ran mad Insanity! And his life Took another dimension He was forced to lead a rough life To live like animals, No rest No shades No comfort ability of mind He enjoyed being rained on, because he forgot himself He contracted cold, he needed no medics He was out of mind He suffered He made no mistake He worked to earn, and out sweat he ate He had no sin or dirt He will have a second live, to revenge. He was my lovely father honorable Kosgei. Who led a miserable life so long And Finally Died a painful death indescribable R.I.P DAD