I stretch, and stretch up towards a place where my head is far further above so that I cannot hear the jet engine of your words. I hear my bones creak with the effort to get away from the pollution of your coal train ramming me. I hear only my body cracking like spring ice as I rise, rise - rise above your noise toxins that settle like limp and sodden cardboard crowns worn about your tortured head. High above your hollow community above your entitlement park, above your tiny- tinny voice. I hear it. Your hateful sounds like poultry jibber so far down in atmospheres below. I laugh to hear your wordless squawl! I stretch but now to bend and see you beneath my squishy toes. Bend at the waist to see who's nipping at my ankles and I cry a tear of mirth. A white rapid that whisks your bitter apple groove far away. I stretch you gone. I stretch you indifferent. I grow myself pardoned, I grow my self free.
sahn 2/15/15
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