I had been in recluse for a time. First due to sickness of the body, then the inevitable sickness of spirit that tends to follow. I wanted to see no one. I was happy to be alone in silent isolation. For days I lay, refusing call from friend and foe alike, the latter mostly being the women. They were the ones who pulled at me the most, but the sickness was strong and I remained apart from them. When it was over I found the friends gone and the women gone and the loneliness dragged in me where it been freeing before.
What is one to do?
I walked to the park and saw a man and his dog, running with clutched frisbee in mouth. I saw a young couple walking hand in hand in that sacred paradise of two. I saw pigeons peck at scattered seed and trees looming in dark shade over various occupants of the shadow, and the sun above peering, like me, through wide-eyed gaze at the all of it. I had not known how cruelly I had missed it, and atop that, I had not known how cruelly I had not been missed.