The evil eye sees. Blindness is not how to be. Disrespected, envied, or hated. Alone I waited. Safe in solitude at "home". Inside is better & quiet. I dislike noise. Temperature has to be just right. The air & the water. Not too hot or cold. Conflictions is not what I am after. Controversy is not what I am about. I wish you not to speakth my name. To return from where you came. I wish to remain the same. Despite the past to blame. To be as I were. Self known & home grown. Like a **** from a planted seed. Texted & not phoned. Censored online & not followed. Never corner me or you will void what's hollow. A nobody & nameless. With my own face but fameless. Unadmired & unreachable. Installed now & later. Doing what matters. Unvoted & gathered. I will try to keep my opinions & thoughts to myself. To be a private person. Unknown & unpopular the way it has always been.