I want to be like nature nature has no worry, no tremor in the night of what the day will bring, no panic attacks in the shower
the sky looks down and even in its insurmountable size it cannot help the ground it watches men dig up her roots and lay their own falsehood on her and the construction equipment drowns out her weeping
the sky is at the mercy of the clouds, constantly being washed over with sadness and not being able to stop crying, sometimes the sky stays in bed for days without so much as opening her blinds
she sees her lover the trees being used by men who won't remember her in the morning once they devour her and take her away and she gets so angry but the lightning strikes never land where she wants them to, overcome by anguish for being so big and so blue and so helpless
but sometimes the seasons spend the night and actually stay for breakfast, and she feels so lovely she beams with radiance and the whole earth smiles
nature has no worry; the earth knows that these men prying her apart like lock jaw will some day return and they will plant flowers in her and repent for their sins
she is the woman you come home late to and she already has the bed turned down, and even when the sky sees her dressed in white she has to stop and catch her breath.
the sky knows some days the clouds will hang on her like cinder block and they will be relentless, but when you are the blanket the whole child of earth is tucked in under she is calm, relinquishing to the night with the peace of knowing every fog will be burnt away
she sees every one of her lovers reincarnations and loves her again and again and again in every life; when she sees the trees being cut like green split ends she writes a eulogy in the breeze, sending away her lovers leaves to be lived again always closer to her own heart
the universe has seen come & go, it knows the taste of unfaithful, has found her hairs in its bed, but still she cooks breakfast for one and locks her doors as she leaves
she knows men will try to change her, fail, and then leave and they will try to change her, fail, and then leave and she has no worry that her eyes will stay bright, her hands never cramped into bitterness, nature has no worry.