I state myself as gay, to find love of the same type. But one girl destroyed me, equipped me with the knife. She said she loved me, I held her dear. She cheated on me one summer, the end was obviously near. I would forgive her, five times more. Friends of mine telling me."Dude, don't deal with that *****!" Did I listen? No. My heart would weep and I would cry. I kept going back to her, so? I had to give it One. More. Try. Until one day."I found someone new." My wrist began to bleed."I'm so done with you." Her parents didn't like me. I was a lost cause. At the time, I didn't have a god. I'm still lost, I love her I do. I can't have, she doesn't want me, I am still so blue. So I say..... **I'm lost without her, a mouth without wings.