Love can pass me by, Memories can escape my cry, No longer with the chain will I try, Forward I will fly.
Whoever arrives at the timeless gate Surpassing the previous lucid fate, No longer will I wait, Never will I be late. Forward I will fly.
Time extends across the fight, Floating into the grasp of the night. No longer will I be blind to the light, Never will you leave my sight. I won’t be late, and Forward I will Fly.
Blameless at the spirit’s womb, Whoever has the love consumed. Preaching to the vacant tomb, Make sure you leave me some room. As I keep you in my sight, I will never Be late, and Forward I will fly.
Leave me the comfort of my room, Will my sight capture the vanity of you? I won’t be late to the essential true, Forward I will fly, with or without you.