I only know so much of what lies beyond the earth's surface. I know that there is a beautiful moon only so far away we can see it perfectly; a golden sun that lies right in the centre of it all, keeping it warm; and the stars, the infinite amount of stars that continue to shock me out of breath with their delicate, bright beauty. I only so much of a four letter word that evolves within a human. I know people feel it once they look into another's eyes and see the whole world; the lengthy embraces that provide a serenity and a warmth, proving that we need them; and the infinite amount of kisses blessed upon the soft surface of two lips, this is when both worlds collide, and two become one. You are like the moon; beautiful, yet distant, but bright. You are like the sun; warm, strong, and courageous. You are like the stars; an infinite twinkle in my life that I dare not desire to lose.