I'm a survivor of 3 car wrecks I'm no god I'm an athiest till day I see one I'm in love with the idea of love I'm no man I'm the boy hiding under his blanket To scared of the night I'm an orphan to emotions Yet I still feel The jaded truth to me I'm just a mask I'm a name with no face A body without a soul A life no longer worth living If you saw me You'd only know I'm as dead as corpses I'm the jester making everyone laugh Hiding tears so the mascara doesnt run I'll take a bow making sure I keep my head down when I leave the stage I'm shakespeares tragedy come to fruition I'm the chalkline on pavement The bodybag only filled with sorrow I'll take this time to bid goodbye Idk if I'll survive this car wreck The collision of rusty twisted steel with flesh I only know the intent of why I'm walking the gallows I'm a ghost coming and going So maybe its my que To take my final absence