A boy stood solely With his back to the sun he cast a shadow Arching, twisting and blotting out the light He held his toys in his hand, his momentary joys And through his tears, through gritted teeth
He cursed the world who had done him wrong
But past that hate that deafening rage Around that shriveled grudge He had made his choice He had picked his lasting seal For on that day the young boy desired only destruction And to this path the toddler ran
For it was the only way he knew how to get home
Tearing through the beaten path A route taken by his father A route taken by the wolves The boy, to his delight, finally found what he was looking for But in his malice And in his undying hate The quest for destruction stole even that away from him
And ripping his home out from the ground He was left with the only things he had carried But discovered something that made no surprise He was only left with carnage