A royal army set out in the coldest of air Fatigue and unrest coating their souls From the glow o'er the hills Unprepared eyes had stood still From the sight they had come to behold
The coast lay in ruins as black as the night A sea-going river flowed crimson as rose Amongst fires danced shadows Cast over the red snows Demonic forms whisked in their glow
The people once merry were piled in pyres The stench traveled far towards one's nose The smell of burned fears Could force any man's tears To witness of horrors that were shown
The horrors they envisioned were as painful as can be The hatred swelled in masses of demonic energies
The General raised hands and signaled divisions The army traveled and surrounded the town A fierce call to arms beckoned Caught by the fear reckoned The army stormed towards the blackened ground
The shadows danced not on the decadence of power All eyes entranced on the oncoming wave Shrieks so under worldly A power surged, so godly Rushed through their body, no shield could stave
In an instant all was quiet and the battle was silenced The army laid dead all but just one The soldier was frightened of such power, enlightened Fainted ill of such fate to be shunned
"Wake and see the follies of your Kingdom's ways No God will tend to the wounded of any soul that prays"
The lone soldier awoke to the sting of the sun And the tense air that seared through his lungs Took view of the land where nothing now thus stands To ponder what unearthly forces have done.
In the center of the town laid a hole in the ground The hells of brimstone and sulfur impure From the edges came crawling dark forms creeping and sprawling The dead of the coast, enraged from the hells they endured...
The Kingdom, the Army, and the Dead (Poetic Prose- Trilogy)