Fahrenheit of love carry the dove to and from The Lord of peace and gratitude and be only what you need in simplicity to be as you are and you exist because you belong like a bubble of funk in a soul jazz orchestra and it seems you are suspended with your surface dictated by the outward radiation of your innermost black hole diamond fire mirror sphere and the inward pressure of thousands of galaxies but you are infinitely effervescent, you bubbly buffoon, you take it easy there with your galactic monsoons, you hurricane gale force love storm! you can swirl an ocean into a whirlpool but let's have some fun lets have a lot and with our lovicanes we'll stir the *** till we see fit 'cause you know if you let it sit for too long the **** rises to the top so stir it up don't leave it up to luck you've got to jump into love and fall forever instead of tripping and falling like fickle birds of a feather so untie the tether and we'll go from hither to tither together and we'll make it better every time