There are six realms Humans Gods Titans Hell Animals And hungry ghosts
There are seven planes of existence Physical Astral Mental Buddhic Spiritual Divine And Logoic
There are three worlds Immaterial which is beyond perception Fine material which one can enter and achieve bliss without sensual please or pain on the path toward enlightenment And lastly the Sensuous where the six realms are and where we are
There are twelve dimensions Three of motion Time Feeling Thought
Three of space Spherical separation Circular separation Linear separation
Three of energy Electric Magnetic Etheric
The last three are The Creation dimensions Universal consciousness Universal thought Universal feeling
I've dedicated my life to cause and effect To find universal truths I've found that the truth tickles the soul Using dialethic logic
Do not hate, love Do not harm, mend Do not doubt, believe Do not live in darkness, spread light Do not be sad, be joyful Find peace and create
You are within yourself
Give to give Within giving you are receiving Within respecting you are respected Within accepting you are accepted
Do not torture yourself or others Be free Express yourself Build your own morals and ethics From logic and experience Find the truth
Positivity is the key
Come to reason With compassion and good health
Be loyal Have discipline Be patient Be aware Be knowledgeable Focus Gain wisdom
But do not be easily swayed Question things Not for me, or anyone Do all this for you and only you
Feel life flowing in, out and around you Be in the moment Do not dwell in the past Do not fret about the future Know the difference between feeling and emotion Feeling remains Emotions come and go
Stand firm for your beliefs and for your inner peace and the well being of the world we live in
Create your destiny
Purify yourself from ignorance Find serenity within yourself Bring harmony where ever you go You will be eternal
Death only claims the body You are one with the universal in all its glory Nothing can **** that All is well