his is my conception flawed most Patina proned the imperfects, they fragment become at its surface wanting life's reasons cracks chaffe of this creation and eternal question the layers meaningless therein the death of sunlight setting perfected another day to feed tomorrows imagination much displayed in each rotten liars face covered over some past smothering and building above and fragrant dreams should fuel brashness misdirected purpose that for all it is be it found to be lacking it bears the knowledge gap famed no known muse or compostion worthy notedly proportional whites and other shades, emotionless calming, the sediment settles to touch the muddy surface consideringly well intended another day, another to shine less than perfect is and those that demand a concept placed uncertain determined and truthfully in the rught hopefully atleast as to face forced gazes accusatiions a reflection my face that looks back upon one
blah.. don't now what the hell my thoughts had in mnd here,.. oh well...