Sailor come hither and harken our song and be calm and becalmed on our uncharted sea, and unhindered by storms that would sully thy sails and the thunderous waves that would pummel thy decks; oh sailor come hither and harken our song and our voices will sing joy to thee
Rejoice and remain in the waters we share with the planks and the plankton, the rainbow of fishes, the garments of sailors and whalers with whale tattoos over their chests and their necks; oh sailor remain in the waters we share and our voices will bring joy to thee
Swim deep to the depths of our uncharted ocean And see the fine wrecks of the ships of thy fathers, the littered bones strewn from the deck hands in hand-me-downs, anchor chains rusting and bells of submariners; oh sailor swim deep to the depths of our ocean and our voices will give joy to thee
Draw breath from the water to taste the fine fragrance of wines and of gold and the many fine horses that sailed from old cities to trade with the new towns and ventured to hear of our song of their happiness; oh sailor draw breath from the waters fine fragrance and our voices will sing oft of thee