So, the white man has come here, brought us "gifts" Guns so we can all sleep less soundly, worried that The stalker will find us in some dark alley-way, Each one of these gifts are "perfect," "protect us" day by day.
So the white man has made his home here! He's got our "answers," He's made images and books that **** trees, needless to say We don't need trees anyway, he's made houses that take even more, His home is one of straw, will one day be gone but the scars remain.
So the white man has "aided in kind," he's given us blankets, Blankets with all of our "needs met," yea we all don't mind, Getting the small pox, leave this life behind it's fine, We'll be better off dead than alive, but nature's deemed "less kind."
And all that I ask you is this, where will we be in the future? We all know where this is headed. These creations are a lie, Our lives and the land cursed with evil machines that will Bring innocent life to an end, whilst men in vans take flight.
Tribal scars home answers nature innocent cursed machines