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Jan 2015
you would always call me pretty. and even though I liked the sound of it I didn't want to hear it directly. I wanted you tell me that you like the freckle in between my nose because I'm so insecure about it. i wanted you to tell me that you love to hear me sing at the top of my lungs to try and make you laugh. or how you love the way I dance to old music I listened to as a kid. or how I laugh at my own stupid jokes because I think I'm funny. That the way I'm scared of the dark isn't childish, because you are too. I needed you to tell me that you love the sound of my voice, especially when I'm talking about something I love. or that you love listening to me play guitar, just because you know it's my favorite thing. Or the way I cry when someone dies on tv isn't stupid, but cute that I'm so sensitive. that you only tickle me just so you can hear me laugh. or that you like the way my voice cracks just before I'm about to cry. that you love the way I kiss you all over when you're trying to be mad at me. that you think it's funny how I'm grumpy in the mornings. that you think it's beautiful the way I can lose myself in a song. or how you love when it's raining, because that means you'll get to kiss me in it. that you fell in love with the way I would fall asleep on you because it would make you feel at home.
I wanted you tell me that I was so much more than just pretty, that I was your whole world. I didn't want to pretty, I wanted to be so much more.
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