step into the surf. waves surge over your ankles, unexpected speed, threatening push.
wade thigh-deep on sea legs, digging your toes into the sand, timing your steps with the waves as earth and moon play tug-of-war. the drop-off slingshots your heart into your throat.
making slow progress to the ******* -- you're unfamiliar with this marine rhythm. the ocean knows you don't belong on this dance floor.
stand up, fighting riptide, undertow. side-tackle weakened waves hitting the ******* like brick walls, each an oceanic supernova with whitecaps imploding.
surrender to one, let it ****** your feet from under you, immerse you in its raging swansong. it traveled a thousand miles to die on this insignificant strip of coastline.
j.w. 1/2015 i don't think enough people realize that the ocean is both beautiful and terrible.