I want to have grace, like she did. I want to have patience like this one. The most intelligent friend of mine once told me: You're like some sort of chameleon.
I want to have skills like his. I wish I could play guitar. I want to have money, like their parents. I'd like a reliable car.
The most psychotic friend of mine once told me: Art is truth in disguise. I want to be bold, like she is. I want to reflect the fire in her eyes.
So I'll go and change colors again into a new skin that matches the times.
I want to be beautiful, like the one who'll never be mine. I wish I could sing like she does. I wish I could blow her mind.
I want to vibrate with vibrant energy. I want to echo sounds that fill my soul, like how the most reckless friend of mine once told me: I'll die before I grow old.
I want to combine of all these things to make a new mold, and reform myself from its grooves. I want to shine like a statue made of gold, with tinges that reflect the best from all of you.