You were born naked You opened your eyes to a smile; a smile that would day be found in yours Then you closed your eyes, I bet you can't tell me what your first memory is That first glorious breath you remember taking, the first fully grown tree you saw when you thought "Wow, that's how big I'm going to be one day" The words you spoke when you played pretend for the first time We forget so often The way the moon reflected off the shadows in ours rooms late at night Brought those walls to life I remember the way it felt when a blade pierced my skin at 6 years old I remember being told "go away ******, don't you remember we don't like you" I never forgot after that Never forgot that we are Giants, built on the shoulders of God, we stand, mighty and magnificent Take that pain you feel, replace the anger with love and let yourself heal You're beautiful You're holy and far from hopeless Remember today might be the only day you ever live again Remember whatever you thought tore you apart left you intact Remember what took your breath away left you breathing Remember that fear can be conquered You can find the light Learn to defeat the darkness and embrace the night Remember you came from something much bigger than you, but in our world there is nothing bigger than you You are you, you are a clenched fist and a box of blank paper Pick up your own pen and write yourself perfect You are perfect Beyond beauty Broken never fit you right, leave that coat behind Remember what it feels like to have a first kiss To drive for the first time Remember what it feels like to stay out all night and regret it in the morning Remember the way the sun still penetrates darkness when your eyes are closed Remembers what it feels like to be held When you're close to tears Remember the days you thought you wouldn't live through because you're here now The roughest paths lead to the prettiest destinations But for now, bask in the glory that is your journey You are you, always remember that