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Jan 2015
With a dip of green from
your eyes forest trees were
created. And a drip of sweat
slipping off your fingertips
the blue salty oceans were
made. One wave after the
other carries your name. With
a rib from your cage, God
created your soulmate. If i
could mix the colours of your
beautiful soul and paint them
all over on my bedroom wall i
would. Your all i want to see on
my pallet. Weave the best of stories
on my skin. Spread art all over this
body of mine for it yours to touch ,
to keep and to make it your own
masterpiece. Every inch of me
is part of your property now.
Come closer love and splash your
colours all over me. Paint me in shades
of colours that are deeper than the sea.
Adjust wildflowers and dandelions
in my hair. Lift my soul up to
the air. Breathe your poetry
down my throat. Fill my eyes
up with tears of joy and hope.
Your words feed my hunger and
lust for they are all i trust. Tell
me dear are they made out of
pearls and stardust ? I feel them move
in the arteries of my heart and up to
my brain cerebellum. Your words move
faster than electricity in my blood. Strip
the layers of clothes off my skin tonight
and cover me up with your dear poetry
as if my body is your paper and pen* ~
Written by
Carolin  Egypt
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