A life with herion I wish no one to experience. It is so hard to describe for all to understand. First do understand it does ****, If lucky you'll only get hooked.
The first words out of everyone's mouth is "not for me". I said it, guilty as charged!
Your first fix, you say your "just going to try it once", famous last words. So you do it. What a feeling. A warmth comes over you your eyes go shut, off to that euphoria, a land of lands, a settling feeling better then ***. Don't be fooled.
Many people die their first time.
As you said only once, the second and third time come. You want a little more each time. The money starts flowing and the tracks start. And you found a friend, the monkey. He needs to be feed all the time.
Money runs short, so you pay your bills or get high. Well if you don't get high you get sick. Just put it this way, when sick, it's paralyzing to say the least. So you say you'll pay the bill later one last time. Now your in a vicious circle. Pawning and stealing, manipulating loved ones and friends.
You think know one knows, wrong they all do, they beg you to stop. You think they don't understand. No, you don't understand. Help is the only way out.
Please understand this, ****** is bad but not the worst. ****, alcohol, coke, barbits do much more harm to the body.
These are not bad people, they just have bad ways. It's Insanity, doing the something over and over expecting a different result.
5 days to detox
28 days to break a habit
Follow up with treatment
N/A, C/A, A/A if needed.
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change.
The courage to change the things that I can.
And the wisdom to know the difference.
Drug awareness