let's go fishing with each others cans of worms, trading off, like a game, explaining each as they attract a bite; let's see who wins first, you challenged, and i agreed. my first catch: my family's constant biting at my heels, insisting for the "perfect" version of myself as I explain to them "as soon as I reach Utopia, it is no longer Utopia." yours: the demon eating away at your lungs and esophagus shaped like burning tobacco in a cylindrical prison; you cough up burnt bills, bank accounts, family pictures (your future ones) in pain. mine: a gnawing in my stomach, constant and demanding, and addiction to be craved by shaking fingers scratching backs of throats, tinged fiery, tinged fatally; black spots in peripheral. yours: tiny teeth up and down your arms and legs eyes to the brain head to the sky thoughts to the blank spots of the universe your addiction that curses mine and maintains better. mine: eyes dull mind dull hands dull feet dull mouth dull life dull i've stared at you blankly for months and all you can do is stare blankly back yours:/mine: a monster is tearing you up inside the dullness is fighting but so is the fire we mingle we dance we tumble into the fishing pond and drown?
we could not breathe above yet we cannot breath below