a point when u feel abandoned by the people around u a point when u loose it but u can't show it a point when u wanna run away but u can't what is your fault when the circumstances change u didn't provoke someone to make them happen the one who faces it is "U" who decides that what is right n what is wrong when people call u manipulative don't jst feel bad but kick that person out of our life they don't deserve u y shoud u pay for what others do u make people trust u u make people rely on u u sacrifice ur comfort zone for them but in the whole instance what did the other guy do? the answer must be nothing people face it people ignore it n when u try to clarify it out they call u manipulative a fresh start is nothing but a fake one m going out not with a fresh start but with a new one going to people who genuinely care about me who wanna be with me unlike others who call u stubborn n manipulative jsst to protect their standard m not changing instead i m jsst converting into a new one
#be how u want to #ppl can't make u happy #stay strong #love yourself :)