Why do years feel like a flash of moments Some of happiness others of life changing events I will never learn to understand our minds It saves our scariest times and our golden finds
We don't have a say in what we want to remember We are like a house with a limitless chamber A room filled to the top with waters rising So much so we feel the need for compromising
To do things to lower the levels so we don't drown But most of the time our challenges don't sink down They rise to where the tides rush towards us Where our breathes are limited like seats on a bus
Seats that we crave to get a ticket for Because we believe them to be the key to more Like a life where we don't have to fight to breath Where our emotions aren't hidden beneath
Beneath the crashing waves of our conscious worlds Where everything comes together in swirls So we hope and pray that the tickets will work Since we can feel our minds becoming more berserk
We need the relief to be truer than true We need something for our sanity to cling to..