The bottom of my lungs fill with air curved curling My toes fill with oxygen seems like this is the first time I have breathed for a day aware.
In grace I come into being Like turning corners in slow motion at the edge of a canyon conducting love affairs with myself , with the woman I see there atop the rocks as I move unassisted In breath Towards her
Medicine Woman Pinprick Precision Sensual Earth Goddess Commanding her power Laughing at the fool she is Laughing at the fool we all are Beating with her bare feet the sound of Joy
Perpetual Spring in her mind Summer turning at her body, Winter sashays round her hips, Autumn in her eyes
No flight of fancy A grounded cunning A carefully cultivated madness , powering dreams and vision Love is her curls.
I'm just a waking In breath .
So many words sit at my teeth right now, patience dear ones. Let's cultivate ourselves.