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Mar 2011
she's the kind of girl that reminds you
of summer in all the wrong ways -
of the pain in the sunburn,
or saying goodbye to what you love.
she's the kind of girl that you
need alcohol to love,
because only you know just how much
you want to forget her.
she's the kind of girl that makes you
choke back words like "****" and "failure"
for fear that one day
she might stop proving you right.
she's the kind of girl that makes you
punch your knuckles ****** against tile,
tear at hangnails,
or turn off your favorite songs.
she's the kind of girl that you have to
learn to let go of, because she sinks her teeth
so far under your skin
that it's hard to **** the poison out.
i don't know when i'll ever be over this, but god knows i'm trying.
baby steps, or learning to breathe again on your own.
steps in hatred are still progression.
when the only thing that's on my mind is all the things you tried to ruin.

ps: i ******* hate the new hellopoetry. i wrote this once and it was really good, and i accidentally hit "see guidelines" rather than the "explicit" box and it deleted it all.
amanda cooper
Written by
amanda cooper  31/F/va
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