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Dec 2014
He's lost his marbles
on my hardwood floor.
I keep stumbling
trying to reach the door.
It'll take a little patience
to collect them
one by one,
but he says
it'll be worth the trouble
when the job is done.

He's spilt his red wine
on my favorite dress.
Droplets of strawberry nectar
dribble down my chest.
It'll take a little trying
to remove them
stain by stain,
but he says
in the end
it'll be worth the strain.

He's spiked my Cherry Cola
with an eight ball of love.
He calls me pathetic
because I can't get enough.
When the saccharine haze
finally wears me thin,
I just can't stop crumbling.
It's so humbling
to be his
one and only
true mistake.

He's left my withered heart
on our satin sheets.
It may not work correctly,
but it still beats.
It'll take a little nerve
to lace it
vein by vein,
but I know
it'll never be the same.
© Alisandra Gray, 2014.
Alisandra Gray
Written by
Alisandra Gray  In an Alabama daydream.
(In an Alabama daydream.)   
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