hey, it came about that i was and it was thus that i am
or is
and will be was but so of now i will be if only yet but not still a while and if so i'll do some thinking and some thoughting or stand or eat (or sometimes both) or sometimes neither and if by day so too at night I'll come to these the dead length of heavy words which writ by men of learned haste i,ve chomped the morsel of their fat and narrow tidy skinny wide messes in chapters and verse
yet what will stodgily revolve to fore is central the chiefest realization of my riggling dearth is that all is simply unsimple a great prfounding a small and illustrious sound (everything is paradox so too are i as you and you or i a truths a lie or lying truth and if you listen hard enoughyoucanhearalmostnothingrattledeeplyfirmingorfirmlydeepening . . ,