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Dec 2014
I hate being the strong one
The one everyone knows they can rely on
When I cry they're confused
I'm not the one who can do that
When I break they don't get it
I can't do that either
But I do
And I fix things before I give them to others
My smile
My laugh
Everything I say
I filter it into what they need
They need to hear it so I say it
Sometimes I forget
And I show them who I really am
I show them the person I am behind the strength
The fragile being I truly am inside
They get scared and confused
And run away from me
Or they stay and try to fix me
I don't appreciate that
I fix myself by helping you
And if you start helping me
I may just fall apart completely
Written by
DustBall  A small town
(A small town)   
   Diary of the Damned, SMN and ---
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