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Dec 2014
As we both were
seemingly lost
in each other's gaze,
I asked,
"Describe the love
of your life,"
and with a simple grin,
she then responded with:
"Someone who makes me laugh,
first and foremost.
Someone who is honest
and real with me.
Someone who challenges me
and helps me grow
as a person.
Someone who treats me
the way I treat them.
Someone who sees me
as their equal
and nothing less.
Someone who treats me
like a Queen because
I would treat them
as a King.
Someone who is supportive
and always has my back
no matter what.
Just someone who loves me
unconditionally.. for me"
and as she finished,
my heart had melted
onto my organs
which gave me this
indescribably warm feeling
that I had never felt
and in that precise moment
I knew she was
the reason why I was made
and put on this Earth.
To love this woman
with all my might.
To love this woman
like no human
had ever loved another
human being.
Old conversation.
Jaee Derbéssy
Written by
Jaee Derbéssy  nowhere, yet everywhere.
(nowhere, yet everywhere.)   
     Eudora, Sana, Bloom and Dark Jewel
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