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David Moss
Dec 2014
Tick Tocks/Beats Breath
Tick tock tick tock
Is their any difference between a tick and a tock?
I mean conceptually of course
Not just the workings of a clock
I guess the ticks are every moment
And the tocks is what will be
All tocks become ticks
But all tick tocks go eventually
Not to worry
I care more though in concepts
Of looking past our man made time
Ticks and tocks don't really matter
If you don't pay them any mind
That's a funny thought though
I like that actually
Paying time our money
Money equals time they say
But to me it's a little funny
Cause what if you don't care for money or time?
What then defines your existence of being alive?
I mean to me a more sound measure
Is perhaps the pleasure
Of feeling my heart beating
A personal repeating of self made time and space
And once that tickers gone
I'm sure to follow along to our final resting place
Fitting we call our hearts the good old ticker then, hey?
My lungs are therefore the tocks
Like two little personal clocks
Working together differently
But in symbiotic harmony
All beats become breaths and all breaths pass by eventually
To me this seems a more valid sense of time
Like when you think of the sublime setting of the sun
Moments as these seem to slow down
And you're stuck in blissful entraption
Some moments just go so fast
And some feel like the last an eternity
And all the while inside me
My heart and lungs slow and speed accordingly
It's quite beautiful actually
Cause now when I think of us
I can count what you mean to me
115,200 ticks of my heart
30,000 tocks of my breath
Those are my average daily rates at rest
80 ticks of heart a minute
30 tocks of air
But around you I am sure
These numbers rise beyond anything compared
Like when I first met you
I think my ticks were at least at 122
Yes to be fair
My breaths fell short in some way
I guess from all the kissing to be had that day
And when we first made love
I felt like both were above
Anything I have ever felt before
And darling
If I could store my ticks and stocks in a special place for you
Reserve them in a bank for us to save
For special days between us two
I think it's safe to say
I'd gladly let you withdraw and take
All my beats and breaths away
First Draft!
Written by
David Moss
Carrie Crusoe
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