T-Thronging poets are welcomed at the doorway H-Hundreds do shuffle in by night and by day E-Eliot York hath provided a platform for display
H-How fantastic it's been to stumble upon this space E-Every conceivable style of poetry is seen in the place L-Love and all emotion put in front of a person's face L- Lasting impressions left for our minds to e'er trace O-Our world poetic fraternity gathering in an embrace
P-Prolific amounts of verse offered to the page O-Over the years some hath been verily sage E-Engaging with fellow poets on a large stage T-Themes and philosophies begetting of gauge R-Robust the giving which occurs at this silage Y-Young and older writers inside a vast cage
S-So let us all put our pens in creative mode I-Invest HP with the fruits of your brain's node T-Thousands of readers will enjoy every code E-Endless lines we can all scribe into a fine ode